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Matlamat: Mengalakan Masyarakat hidup sehat jasmani dengan memilih makanan yang sehat

09 December, 2009

Musim Minyak Zaitun

Bulan saya tertunggu tunggu.
iaitu Bulan bila Minyak Zaitun terbaru dan tersegar dihasilkan.
Bulan Musim bila peladang, dan penghasil memetik buah zaitun untuk dijadikan minyak zaitun.
Bulan bila buah Zaitun keadaannya sempurna dan masa yang sesuai untuk dipetik.

Alhamdulillah Minyak Zaitun dari italy ( Sicily ) sudah sampai pada 07 DEC 2009.
Buah Zaitun dipetik dan diperah dalam pertengahan bulan OCT 2009.
Minyak Zaitun tidak ditepis dihasilkan di pulau Sicily, italy.
Minyak Zaitun dari negara italy, Sicily adalah terkenal dengan mutu yang tinggi.
Jenis buah Zaitunnya pula adalah asal usul dari Sicily, bukannya berimported.

Trend sekarang ini di mana mana dearah, atau samada ( Greece atau italy ) negara memang menghasilkan minyak Zaitun, atau ( Australia atau Amerika ) negara baru memperkenalkan minyak Zaitun mereka sibuk, mencari, dan mempelajari jenis buah Zaitun yang terbaik dalam menghasilkan minyak yang bermutu tinggi dan jumlah yang banyak.

08 December, 2009

Wild Sidr Yemen Honey

if you ask me what is the best honey among Bashkir( Russia ) , Life Miel ( israel ) , Maharisi ( Brazil ), Manuka ( New Zealand ) , or Thyme Honey ( Greece, Turkey/iran ).

in my opinion based my knowledge and experience i will choose Sidr Honey.
i will choose Wild Yemen Honey, harvested during winter in Hadra Maut ( Dau'an Valley ).
The flower source is Sidr.

Of course Wild honey is far better than farmed one.

Yemen Honey has the most potence.
It has high healing ability.
So it works fast and really effective especially for the sick.

Yemen is also the blessing country.

Dead Sea Soap

One of soaps that i sale.
Dead Sea Soap.
From Jordan.
Size: 90g
90g - BND 17

it is my bestselling soap.
i can easily sale this to my target market, and current customers.
Right now i am trying to introduce this to others.

it is good soap.
it is effective for eczema and acne.

The soap manufactured and designed for eczema, acne, psoriasis.

Anyone can use it.
it is just a soap and has high healing ability because of its active ingredient from dead sea mineral.
It has simple ingredeient. It also contains olive oil.

27 November, 2009


Alun is one type of stone.

The highest quality found in Syria.

it can be used for deodorant.

It is natural.

The good thing about it.
It is natural and chemical-free. Chemical is toxic to one's body and harms to one's health.
it is not sticky and does not dirt or leave mark to your cloth.
it is odourless.

It helps you not to have stink.
